Tetra Pak today launches the latest intelligent cleaning-in-place (CIP) Tetra Alcip system. Featuring a new automation platform, Tetra Alcip improves accuracy significantly over alternatives and reduces the risk of human error, helping food and beverage producers achieve uncompromising levels of food safety at lower environmental and operating cost.
“Tetra Alcip gives customers complete control of CIP to deliver perfect cleaning results, reduced environmental impact and enhanced food safety,” said Paul Wirtz, Managing Director Tetra Pak Dairy & Beverage Systems AB. “Thanks to Tetra Pak’s deep knowledge in cleaning technology and a patented automation structure, the new Tetra Alcip unit is now more intelligent and safer than ever.”
The new industry-leading intelligent automation platform continuously adjusts operation to deliver the highest performance levels. It brings customers precision — using the optimum amounts of water and detergent for the exact time needed to get the job done. It can cut water usage by up to 21 per cent and detergent use by up to 7 per cent, reducing both environmental impact and cost.
The system’s automation platform enables a range of unique features designed to bring customers flexibility:
- Conductivity management – a feature that enables the best possible accuracy on detergent concentration, which assures the highest food safety without unnecessary overdosing of detergents.
- Liquid tracking – a patented automation structure to keep track of different liquids in the cleaning process. This gives greater flexibility and better precision for control and sorting of liquids.
- CIP management – control of cleaning programmes. Tetra Alcip comes with a number of pre-set cleaning programs. Customers can also create their own cleaning programmes, which are automatically validated before use.
- Queue handling – the ability to queue and prioritise, giving the user maximum flexibility and availability. Urgent cleaning jobs can be prioritised.
- Flexible dosing system – enabling the customer to control detergent concentration continuously, in line. This allows the topping-up or boosting of the detergent concentration at any time without having to stop to mix new detergent.
Tetra Alcip is a future-proof investment: offering short payback time thanks to the significant savings in operating costs; and opportunities to reconfigure, expand and upgrade if needed. The latest Tetra Alcip solution is built on Tetra Pak’s leadership in and deep knowledge of CIP technologies. This, combined with high reliability, has resulted in more than 1,600 Tetra Alcip units installed around the world.
“We’re continuously striving to improve our solutions, to make the best even better,” said Wirtz. “There’s no room for compromise when dealing with food safety, and thanks to the precision and intelligence of Tetra Alcip, customers can achieve uncompromising cleanliness at lower cost.”
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